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Student mental health has reached a crisis point

40% of highschool students felt so depressed that they could not engage in academic activities for at least two weeks

Flagged risk alerts for student depression have seen a total increase of 194% over the last four years

33% of teenage girls seriously considered attempting suicide—up nearly 60% from this time a decade ago

A comprehensive approach to student wellness

Student Safety & Wellness Data

A student on a couch with a laptop, surrounded by text bubbles reading: 'What students are doing,' 'Searching online,' 'Feeling,' and 'doing Offline'

Student Safety & Wellness Data


Take Action
To Improve Student Safety & Wellness

Take Action

Boost the confidence and impact of your school's wellness initiatives

A monitoring icon

Identify which students need your help now

Icon for a hand holding a heart

Optimize the impact of student services resources

An icon of a person and a browser window

Analyze concerning student activity across email, documents, social media and web browsing

An icon for a stack of documents

Access multi-layer prevention and response solutions

Identify which students need your help now

Securly analyzes students' online activity, self-reporting and teacher observations to identify which students need help right now

Illustration of a Securly specialist, a risk meter icon pointing at ‘All-clear’ metric, and a 'Why am i sad' message bubble above it
Illustration of a Securly specialist, a risk meter icon pointing at ‘concerning’ metric, and a 'i feel empty and alone' message bubble above

Longest-learning student wellness AI integrates with human review to reduce false positives and non-critical alerts

Illustration of a Securly specialist, a risk meter icon pointing at ‘concerning’ metric, and a 'i feel empty and alone' message bubble above

Easily track cases from creation to resolution, and maintain accurate data and case records as students' wellness levels change or escalate

Illustration of a Securly specialist, a risk meter icon pointing at ‘high risk’ metric, and a 'can you overdose on benadrill' message bubble above
Illustration of a Securly specialist talking with a school staff via mobile devices

With thorough and accurate risk assessment from our expert analysts, school personnel are notified within 5 minutes of a student being identified as extreme risk

Optimize the impact of your student services resources

From multi-layer prevention and response mechanisms, to real-time risk alerts and round-the-clock response, optimize the impact of your student services team - even when your resources are stretched thin

Icon of a child and an adult

Identify students in need of counseling earlier in their cycle

Icon depicting a graph resprenting an upward trend

Empower staff with real-time wellness data and reporting

Icon of a document with a checkmark list

Effortlessly track and record cases from creation to resolution

Icon of a person

Improve students' life skills with preventative tools

Perfectly match your district's wellness needs

At Securly, we have an unwavering commitment to student safety, wellbeing and data privacy

Our comprehensive approach to student services is far from one-size-fits-all

We take the time to understand your district's unique wants and needs, supporting you in choosing the optimal range of solutions to maximize your potential to improve student wellness and, ultimately, save student lives

Sign up for a Wellness Check
Illustration of a group of students, with one of them looking sad

As time goes by, we're seeing more and more threats online, and we're happy to have Securly growing with our needs and helping us keep our students safe against these new threats. knowing that students are being kept safe has created a real community of trust between the district, its schools, and its families.

John Vincent, Director of Technology at Chico USD John Vincent

Director of technology, Chico USD

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